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What's The Risk

My ETFs & Superannuation Are Going Down! | What’s the Risk? 28

Market volatility isn’t a new thing, it’s the price of admission when investing. But every bout of volatility or even a correction may feel different, and incredibly important, but history has shown markets always price in new information and move on.

As market volatility prompts reactions from investors, it’s going to tell investors something about themselves. While investors should construct their portfolios and address their superannuation allocation according to their goals and risk tolerance, often they pick something with the highest return number. They then get a shock when it also delivers them volatility they weren’t expecting.

We look at some issues around this. We highlight things investors should consider either now, or preferably before they build a portfolio, or change their superannuation to a very aggressive option, just because someone told them they should. We consider the benefits of financial advice in such a situation.

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